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A member registered Dec 29, 2016

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Loving the game (bought the DLCs via Steam since it's easier to keep updated there) but is there any chance for a patch that would change the text options? Like, for example, have the outline also be available in black?

First, I'm really loving the game so far. <3

I've spent enough time in it to go through Tocchan's route once and, even though I got the bad ending, I still loved the story. The one problem I had with it was the red haired guy popped up in my Christmas dinner date like he knew us but I hadn't seen him before. I think this also might have been why, when I got the bad ending, it said Tocchan was going back to his old studio? Must have triggered something but it didn't show in the story.

Also, would it be possible to get a native English speaker to go over all the dialogue again? It's not that there are spelling errors or anything like that, but it doesn't seem very smooth sometimes. Like there are words missing or out of order.

Regardless of if that happens or not, I plan on continuing to play this game for a long time, trying to romance all the guys and maybe even winning that darn award!